

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November Library Favorites

This month's visit to the library started out on Halloween morning; okay, technically, it was still October, but we were able to load up on 15 more books for the beginning of November.

Anyway, we went trick-or-treating at our 2 favorite libraries: Hoover and Homewood. Hoover's library is quite a bit bigger and honestly, the kids like it better. After all, it does have an outside play area with huge Lego blocks, a big castle, and mom approved soft turf floor that is completely fenced into the library itself. However, the Homewood library has a certain charm that this momma can't resist. It's much smaller and usually less crowded. The kids are pretty excited about the big fish tank, the chinchilla (looks like a big bunny with a squirrel's bushy tail), tarantula, birds and chalkboard table. I think what I like most is that it's quaintness reminds me of the Spokane, Washington library that was in our backyard for the year we lived up north for Christopher's intern year. Plus, it sort of has a small town community appeal to it that the bigger Hoover library just doesn't have.

So when we went trick-or-treating at Hoover's library, I decided it will now be tradition. The kids had an absolute blast. First of all, every desk in each department was passing out candy, so the kids ended up with quite a bit of candy. Also, the story time that day passed out their own goodie bag. Lastly, who can forget the people watching, or rather cute-costume-wearing kid watching that takes place!

Of course, such a fun event drew in quite a crowd. My book selecting was a little frazzled and fast as my little candy-starved trick-or-treaters persistently were asking, "Can I eat the sucker now, Mommy?...Please Can I have the M&M's?...You said we could eat candy LATER!....Can we eat the candy now, Mommy?!?!"  We walked out with 15 books, all candy uneaten by my little ones, and some random child's sticky candy rejects stuck on Gianna's trick-or-treat basket.

Alright, I'll stop digressing and get to the November favorites from my pickings (and some of their's, too):

1.) I was looking at the spines of books for anything that might involved "dinosaurs" and lucked out with this one. Both Gabriel and Gianna LOVE this one, although it is quite a bit longer than the average book I typically grab. Basically, the little dog, Shadow, is out camping with her owner, a little 10 or so year old boy, Jesse. As they are getting ready for bed, Shadow unburies a big bone. Jesse is talking about how he thinks the bone may have belonged to some dinosaurs from the past before they both fall asleep. Soon, Shadow is awakened by the bone, which is now glowing and humming. The trees turn into big sauropods (long neck dinos) and some boulders turn into some therapods (sharp tooth dinos). There is almost a fight until Shadow buries the bone and the dinos return to the trees and boulders once again. In the morning, Jesse is asking where the bone went and Shadow, exhausted from the night's adventures is sound asleep. Gabriel found a page in the middle that depicts the dinosaurs about ready to fight each other and is just fixated on that page! He asked daddy to draw that page with him and I have to admit, it looked pretty good! The sentence structures are jam-packed with analogies, metaphors, and similes, which I personally love reading. Overall, a great book!

2.) And for Gianna, we were searching for anything "princess", and this board book was found in the baby section under the "P"'s, thank goodness! It is very fitting as Gianna is still mastering her newly acquired skill of potty training! This book is very loved and used to be a flap, tab, pull book (as it says right up there on the cover page). However, most of the flaps are gone. One of the best parts of re-reading this book was when we realized that one of the pages had "potty" in the toilet and you could turn it so it "flushed" and the potty gets hidden! This book is perfect for any princess-loving, pink-and-purple-loving little girl!

3.) This one is a win-win for both my girl and my boy! A dinosaur tooth fairy in a museum is reminiscing about "the good ol' days" of getting big dino teeth once they were lost or pulled and how those days are long gone. She sees a little girl in the museum lose a tooth and just has to have her tooth. She follows the little girl home and is desperately looking for the tooth, all the while, the real tooth fairy has been following the little girl and looking as well. It ends when the real tooth fairy grabs the little girl's tooth and the dino-tooth fairy is just about broken hearted. The two fairies solve the problem by switching a dino tooth for the little girl's tooth and the little girl gets some cash under her pillow-everyone wins! So, I like to look on the inside back cover to read little bio's about the author and illustrator when they are listed. This book had a little nugget of valuable info on the back cover that I almost missed, but totally makes the book more enjoyable: The author, Martha Brockenbrough, has decided to give 10% of her royalties on this book to a dentistry group that does pro bono work for children over seas in impoverished areas. She definitely got some brownie points and more respect from me after reading that.

4.) This one is a favorite of Gabriel's for sure. The author is a mom of (I think) 8 children and the bio on the inside back cover said that her children loved both Westerns and Dinosaurs. She wondered what would happen if she combined them both into a story and this book was born! Rocky is a dinosaur tamer and the townsfolk need his help when the roughest, toughest, rip-roarin'est dinosaur to ever kick dirt comes to town-T-Rex! I found at least one John Wayne reference in this book which made me smile; Rocky held up his hand and said, "Time's a wastin'." Christopher recently introduced me to John Wayne a couple months ago. Being the 2nd boy of a family of 9 with 8 boys, John Wayne classics were common movies for him growing up. Being the youngest of 11 with 7 girls, I didn't even know who John Wayne was growing up. Although this is a little bit of a lengthy read, it is pretty darn cute hearing daddy read it to the kids with the "western slang" that the author throws in there!

5.) This book was a favorite of Gianna's. You can't really tell from the picture, but this book has huge googly eyes that have cut outs on the pages, so each page has a different face that fits the googly eyes on them (if that makes sense). This was a fun read because it goes along the rhyming/rhythm of the song "Ten little monkeys jumping on the bed". Also, it goes through 10 different cat breeds and each story has something related to the specific breed. At the end of the book, it lists the 10 cat breeds mentioned and tells some facts about them. I'm am by no means a cat person (actually, I don't really like them at all. They are too snobby for me.), but I will admit, this is a really cute cat book and I learned a thing or two about cats!

6.) This one is by the same author/illustrator as the above book, has the same googly eyes, follows same rhyming/rhythm pattern, and also features 10 different dog breeds. I personally enjoy this one more because I am a dog person. The kids and I really enjoyed picking which dog was our favorite at the very end after reading all the facts about each breed. Gabriel picked the Dachshund and Gianna's varied between the Beagle and the Poodle.
7.) Of course, I have to have another "How Do Dinosaurs..." book in this month's collection. This one was in the board book/baby section and of course I had to check it out because of how much Gabriel and Gianna are into dinosaurs, and also because of how much we all love this series. I love the rhyming, but also, there's always a lesson to be learned and this book is all about etiquette with friends: sharing, playing fair, etc. It's a perfect book to use when trying to teach your three year old daughter how to share her toys with your 1 year old son...not that I'm having that problem or anything (*wink*).
8.)This one was a favorite for all of us! Christopher loved reading this one because it is a pretty fast read, and at bedtime, those are usually his favorite! I love this author's illustrations and lighthearted stories and I'm pretty sure the kids love the pictures and how it encourages their imagination. This story is about a little rabbit hoping along imagining what it would be like to be green like the green grass, tall like the fur trees, still like a rock, etc. My older sister who is a preschool teacher introduced my family to Kevin Henkes with the book, "Old Bear", by giving it to Gabriel for his 1st Birthday. The illustrations in that book are exceptional and again, we love his sweet stories.
9.)This book was also found in the board book/baby section. I love reading this book to the kids for the 1st time and seeing their expressions as we go through the book. The squid is comparing himself to everything in the ocean and saying on each page how he is "bigger than the shrimp," and "bigger than the jellyfish." Eventually, he gets eaten by a whale (this is the part I love looking at my kids expression as his squid legs are hanging out of the whale's mouth)! Fortunately, he notices that he's still the biggest thing in the whale's tummy so it's all good!

10.) This one was suggested by my favorite librarian, Lena, who works with kids! It was a super cute and funny read, just like she promised, and of course, we loved it! I like how after reading this, Gianna learned what rhymes were and now she's been rhyming words like nobody's business. Three of the dust bunnies are rhyming while the fourth, Bob, is trying to warn them of impending doom-the broom and eventually the vacuum!

11.) Surprise! Another Mo Willems book! (He is one of my favorite authors, you know.) This one was a big hit with my kids. Not only does it have dinosaurs, but Goldilocks looks just like Trixie from the Knuffle Bunny Series by Mo Willems. I also love how Mo sticks his little pigeon character from the Pigeon series randomly in his other books. For example, in this book, we found the pigeon in the cookie jar with some chocolate chip cookies and also in a framed picture on an end table. Basically, the dinosaurs are plotting to trick Goldilocks into eating the delicious chocolate pudding and then crashing in one of their beds so they could sneak in and eat a yummy chocolate-filled-little girl bon-bon. Goldilocks comes to her senses and runs out the back door. The moral at the end of the story is if you are in the wrong story, leave. Ironically, the moral of the story for the dinosars is to lock the back door. A really funny twist on an old favorite.

12.) I got this one from the new section in the kids area. (signal new-book-spine sniffing) Surprisingly, Gianna fell in love with this book! But then again, once we started reading the story, it made total sense. The book is about a big sister (dinosaur) learning the ropes of having a baby sibling (dinosaur). Personally, I love how I can apply the lessons to her. For example, one line is how we don't snatch toys away from the dino-baby. Teaching Gianna to share is an everyday lesson lately.
 13.) I might have started an addiction with my children and Rosemary Wells; they LOVE her bunny series books. I grabbed this one thinking it would pull both Gabriel and Gianna in; after all, there is a dragon (shirt) and there are bunnies! And of course I was right! Ruby has to take her little brother Max to get a new pair of pants because his favorite pair is "disgusting", but the catch is that they only have enough money, $5, for a pair of pants. Max is insisting on the shirt, no matter how many times Ruby tells him there is only enough money for pants. After Max gets lost in the store, he finds a dragon shirt and puts it on. Ruby finds him enjoying some ice cream with the police and the dragon shirt (unpaid for at this point) is covered in ice cream! It's the perfect ending as Max ends up with both the dragon shirt (she had to pay for it since he got it dirty) AND his favorite pair of pants!

14.) This one is another new book. I seriously check the dates of every book I read, just out of my own weird curiosity on how old the particular book is. This one smells divine. Gianna really loved this one I think partly because she afraid of Big Bad Wolves so this one pulls in ALL of her attention and partly because she is still learning her colors and this book is great practice for her. The gray wolf thinks gray is too dreary and wants to change his color. But every color he tries leaves him feeling unhappy once more. In the end, he decides he's happy being himself and being gray. A great plug-in for telling your little ones how they are perfect just the way they are!

15.) Yep, another Rosemary Wells favorite from my kids (I thought it would be a favorite when I picked it out). This one is a little different from her Max and Ruby series. In fact, neither Max nor Ruby are in this book. This book has 3 separate stories about 3 little bunnies who all are having terrible days. Each bunny escapes to the bunny planet where they see the day that "should have been". She uses imagery and rhymes that I have yet to see in her Ruby and Max series. I really loved the earthy feel from reading this book. It made me want to bite into a warm, juicy, ripe tomato. It made me want to lie on a mossy bank in the forest taking in the afternoon sounds and smells.  Or it made me want to play board games in a lighthouse cottage while our clothes dry next to the crackling fire. I highly recommend this one!

16.) As soon as Gabriel's eyes saw this one, it was an instant favorite! Ironically, Christopher recently did a radiology conference to Chicago where the Field Museum from this book is located! This book is about the T-Rex fossils found, uncovered, shipped, and displayed all from a mouse's perspective who lived under one of the toe bones while buried on the bluff. I like how it gives the kids a behind the scenes look at the work that goes into a dinosaur dig and displaying it at a museum.

Alright! That does it for November.  Don't be surprised if I throw in some of our favorite holiday books for the month of December! Until then, Happy Reading!

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